How far can Israel assassinate its enemy?

Now, in Lebanon, 37 died and 2931 injured, including the Iranian ambassador, as a result of explosions of various communication devices. ( ABC News ). And in Syria, 19 Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen were killed and 150 injured for the same reason ( The Jerusalem Post ).

The explosions took place over two days. The international press called them two waves of explosions, and they took place on various electronic devices. The first wave was different from the second ( The Guardian )

The first wave is on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. on 3,000 pagers, an old-fashioned wireless automatic pager that receives messages only ( The New York Times ).

In this wave, for 30 consecutive minutes, 12 people were killed, including two children, and more than 2,800 people who were near the devices were injured. As for the second wave, it will be on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 08:00 a.m. in both:

(Icom Japanese wireless communication devices - solar energy devices for generating electricity - car batteries - fingerprint recording devices for employees). ( 21stcenturychronicle )

In this wave, 25 people were killed instantly, and more than 600 others were injured, according to the latest statement from the Lebanese Ministry of Health. A state of alert was issued in 150 hospitals, which is the number of hospitals that received the victims ( EFE )

60 homes and shops were exposed to various fires, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Civil Defense, in addition to 15 cars and motorcycles that were burned ( L'Orient-Le Jour )

All pages, without exception, gave a robust audio signal (bell) before the explosion and an error message so that the user would pick it up and try to press the button to clear the error message, and then the explosion occurred ( Lieber Institute )

This made the injuries more severe, as most of them were in the face, ears, eyes, and limbs. The injuries were at a rate of nearly 100% of the number of devices ( BBC ).

Each pager contained three grams of either RDX or PETN, a highly explosive substance implanted in the devices during the manufacturing process ( The New York Times ).

The pagers' parent company is the Taiwanese company Gold Apollo, which has the franchise to manufacture this type of device (of American origin). After the Taiwanese police raided it, Gold Apollo denied supplying any device to Lebanon ( Reuters ).

The Taiwanese company said in the investigations that the sale was made by the Hungarian company BAC Consulting KFT, which has had a valid license from the parent company for three years ( TIME ).

The Hungarian government has denied that BAC Consulting KFT exists on the ground, that its commercial registration is merely that of a commercial intermediary, and that it does not carry out any manufacturing operations ( Euro News ).

The New York Times recently discovered that BAC Consulting KFT is a fake brokerage firm set up along with two other companies by Israeli intelligence ( The New York Times ).

All of the devices that exploded were supplied to Hezbollah through commercial intermediaries, and because of Hezbollah's influence over Lebanese ports and airports, not all of the devices were thoroughly inspected ( The Telegraph ).

One day before the last Lebanon operation, the Israeli Minister of Defense contacted the American Minister of Defense to inform him of a particular operation being carried out in Lebanon without giving details. The goal was to return the Israelis living in northern Israel next to Lebanon to their homes ( CBC ).

Israel has officially announced the assassination of 349 people from 1950 to 2024. What has not been formally announced is unknown ( Wiki ).

The most prominent person who was assassinated by blowing up electronic devices was the engineer Yahya Ayyash in 1996 by blowing up his mobile phone. He was the most famous explosives engineer in the history of the Hamas movement ( Aljazeera ).

Although Israel is an essential party to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby traps in electronic devices, Israel has never complied with this ( Just Security ).

According to an updated research paper, all electronic and electrical devices that use lithium-ion batteries can explode if malicious software can turn off both the temperature sensors and the safety fuse and reach the "thermal runaway" stage ( Science Direct ).

Israel has Unit 8200, the most advanced cyber attack unit, ranking fourth after the US National Security Agency ( NSA ), the Russian GRU military intelligence agency, and the Chinese cyber espionage unit 61398 ( Reuters ).

Israel has a free hand with unlimited scope to carry out any assassination operations according to what it sees as in its interest and in any country, and with complete protection from its allies, first and foremost the United States. This has included most known types of assassinations, whether technical, chemical, or with weapons ( The Nation ).

In 1997, Israel produced a deadly biological weapon from derivatives of fentanyl. Its Mossad agents sprayed it on the left ear of Khaled Meshaal, the former head of Hamas, causing his vital organs to stop immediately ( Britannica ).

This incident occurred in Jordan and caused a major diplomatic crisis between the King of Jordan (Hussein bin Talal), the United States, and Israel. The King threatened to cancel the peace agreement with Israel then ( Reuters ).

This caused the American President (Bill Clinton) to pressure the Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) to send him the antidote, which was actually done. The head of Mossad (Danny Yatom) himself traveled with it to Jordan ( Britannica ).

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