Robot Journey: From Science Fiction to Everyday Life Partner

Ever since humans began imagining future worlds, robots have been part of those visions, as they are linked to technological advancement and human development. The concept of robots was initially just a fantasy in the minds of writers and scientists, but over time, this idea has turned into a tangible reality, taking on multiple forms and patterns in our daily lives.

The beginning was simple, mechanical machines that performed specific tasks. But it was the beginning of a future that no one could have imagined. These machines evolved over time, becoming more complex and intelligent. But the concept of “robot” as we know it today has gone beyond mere moving machines, to become beings capable of thinking, learning and adapting to their surroundings.

In fact, the word “robot” dates back to the early 20th century, when it first appeared in Czech writer Karel ÄŒapek’s 1920 play Rossum’s Universal Robots. Since then, the word has evolved to include all sorts of intelligent machines we see today, from those that do the simplest household tasks to the advanced robots that participate in space exploration.

What’s interesting is how robots have become an integral part of our daily lives, sometimes without us even realizing it. We see robots in factories, assembling cars and electronic devices with unparalleled precision. We see them in hospitals, assisting doctors in performing delicate surgeries that require skills beyond those of humans. Even in our homes, robots clean our floors and tend our gardens.

As technology continues to evolve, robots are no longer just tools that operate on pre-defined commands. Today, thanks to artificial intelligence, robots can learn from their experiences, adapt to changing environments, and even make complex decisions based on big data analysis. This makes them more than just machines; they are now partners in our lives, providing solutions to contemporary challenges and opening up new horizons for the future.

The most important historical events

The journey of robotics development began in the early 20th century, and 1920 was a turning point when Czech writer Karel ÄŒapek introduced the word “robot” for the first time in his famous play “Rossum’s Universal Robots”. In the same year, the idea of robots began to capture the human imagination, and a long journey of development began.

In 1942, American writer Isaac Asimov wrote the story "Positive Robotics" in which he introduced the Three Laws of Robotics, which became a reference in literature and science alike. Then in 1956, the world witnessed the first industrial robot under the name "Unimate", which was developed by George Devol in the United States and this robot worked in the car factories of General Motors in New Jersey.

1961 was the year robots officially entered the industry, with the first industrial robot installed in a General Motors factory. In 1969, a team of researchers led by Victor Chiang at MIT succeeded in developing a “robotic arm” that could interact with its surroundings, an achievement that paved the way for more advanced robotics.

The year 1973 was a pivotal one, when engineer Hiroshi Makin at Waseda University in Japan created the first walking robot, which he called “Wabot.” Over the years, robots have taken many forms and their capabilities have improved. In 1986, Honda introduced the famous robot “ASIMO,” which had the ability to walk and interact with humans in a human-like way.

The year 1997 saw another historic event when NASA’s Sojourner robot landed on Mars to begin exploring the red planet. Around the same time, American inventor Dean Kamen introduced the iBOT robot , which helped improve the lives of people with special needs by helping them get around.

In 2000, robots entered homes on a wider scale with the launch of the American company iRobot, the Roomba robot, designed to clean floors automatically. In 2004, NASA again succeeded in sending the Spirit and Opportunity robots to explore Mars, increasing humanity's reliance on robots in space.

In 2012, Boston Dynamics launched Big Dog, a robot designed to work in harsh conditions and carry heavy loads. Then in 2016, Sophia , a robot developed by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics , was unveiled , and it gained widespread popularity for its ability to interact and talk to humans in a near-natural way.

In 2018, robotics took a quantum leap in healthcare when the Da Vinci robot was used to perform complex surgeries with extreme precision. In 2020, Tesla launched the Tesla Robot, a robot intended to assist with everyday tasks around the home.

2021 saw the first robotic heart transplant in a French hospital, opening up new frontiers for robotics in medicine. In 2022, robots were used for the first time in large-scale commercial agriculture in the United States, improving productivity and reducing reliance on human labor.

In 2023, robots evolved to include applications in the field of arts and entertainment, as the robot "Aida" was displayed in an art exhibition in London, and it was the first robot capable of drawing paintings independently.

In 2024, robots will become an integral part of human life in many fields, from industry to medicine and even the arts, as the robot "Evie" was introduced, which became able to learn and adapt to its surroundings thanks to advanced artificial intelligence technologies.

Supporters' opinions

In recent years, the development of robots has become a hot topic of discussion among major celebrities and authors, who have expressed their support for this technological advancement. In 2020, in an interview with Wired magazine , famous film director James Cameron, known for sci-fi films such as “Avatar” and “Terminator,” said that robots represent “the natural future of technology” and that he is excited to see how they will change our daily lives.

In the same year, writer and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari, at the TED conference in Vancouver, expressed his support for the development of robots, noting that robots and artificial intelligence could contribute to improving the standard of human life and achieving great advances in areas such as health and education.

In 2021, Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, told an artificial intelligence conference in California that he sees robotics as “humanity’s greatest opportunity to push the boundaries of traditional human capabilities,” and that he is working to develop robots that can improve people’s daily lives in an unprecedented way.

Also in 2021, while appearing on The Daily Show , Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, expressed his support for the development of robotics, stressing that robots can play a major role in improving the quality of life, especially in the fields of healthcare and agriculture.

In 2022, in an interview with Forbes magazine, famous actor Will Smith expressed his admiration for the development of robotics, noting that robots can contribute to solving major problems facing humanity, such as climate change and improving life in developing societies.

That same year, at the South by Southwest event in Austin, Texas, director Steven Spielberg, who directed the movie “Artificial Intelligence,” said he believed robots would be an integral part of humanity’s future and would help balance humans and technology.

Also in 2022, British novelist Ian McEwan, speaking to The Guardian, expressed his support for the development of robots, believing that these developments would open new horizons in literature and art, where robots could become tools for human creativity.

In 2023, during the Google I/O conference in California, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, confirmed that the development of robots will contribute to improving the lives of billions of people around the world, noting that the company is working to develop robotic technologies that can enhance access to information and education.

That same year, director Christopher Nolan, speaking at the Cannes Film Festival, suggested that robots could be a means to a deeper understanding of humanity, and that he believed the technology would help create new films that would raise questions about the future of humanity.

Also in 2023, American novelist George R.R. Martin confirmed, in an interview with The New Yorker magazine, that the development of robots could change the way we live our daily lives, noting that this technology could contribute to creating new worlds full of possibilities.

In 2024, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, said at the World Economic Forum in Davos that robots would be a major factor in shaping the global economy in the coming decades, stressing that this technology would contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth.

In the same year, media personality Oprah Winfrey expressed her support for the development of robots in an interview with CNN , believing that they could help solve social problems and improve the standard of living in poor communities.

Also in 2024, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg confirmed in an interview with the Washington Post that robots will be an essential part of the future of social communication, noting that his company is working on developing robots that can interact with users in new and innovative ways.

In the same year, writer and human rights activist Malcolm Gladwell said in an interview with Time magazine that robots could play a major role in achieving social justice, noting that this technology could contribute to improving the lives of marginalized groups.

In 2024, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that robots would be an integral part of the Apple ecosystem, improving users' lives by delivering new and innovative experiences.

Also in 2024, American novelist Dan Brown confirmed in an interview with the New York Times that the development of robots will open new doors for creativity and innovation in literature and art, noting that robots may become tools for creating new and exciting literary works.

In the same year, famous actress Natalie Portman expressed her support for the development of robots in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, believing that this technology could help achieve great progress in the field of entertainment and art.

In 2024, author and philosopher Steven Pinker, speaking at the Aspen Think Tank conference in Colorado, said that robots would be a fundamental part of humanity's future, asserting that this technology would greatly improve human life.

Finally, in 2024, in an interview with the BBC, British writer and author Neil Gaiman confirmed that the development of robots may change the way we think about the future, noting that this technology will contribute to creating new worlds full of possibilities and challenges.

Opponents' opinions

Over the past few years, a number of celebrities and prominent authors have expressed their concern and opposition to the development of robots, expressing their fears about the impact of this technology on humanity. In 2020, during an interview with the New York Times, famous film director Woody Allen warned that the development of robots could lead to the “loss of humanity,” noting that the increasing reliance on technology could weaken human relationships.

In the same year, writer and philosopher Noam Chomsky expressed concern in an interview with Time magazine about the development of robots, noting that they could lead to "widening the social gap" and exacerbating unemployment, especially in societies that rely on manual labor.

In 2021, speaking at a TED conference in Vancouver, author and environmental activist George Monbiot expressed his opposition to the development of robots, arguing that the technology could “boost big business” at the expense of the environment and poor communities.

In the same year, famous actor Daniel Day-Lewis expressed his concerns in an interview with CNN about the impact of robots on the film and arts industries, noting that the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence could threaten "human creativity" and make art less expressive of humans.

In 2022, during a conference at Harvard University, physicist Stephen Hawking, before his death, stressed that the development of robots could pose a “great danger to humanity” if not well regulated, indicating that artificial intelligence could eventually surpass human intelligence and become out of control.

In the same year, British writer Julian Barnes expressed his opposition to the development of robots in an interview with The Guardian, noting that they could lead to the "erosion of human values," especially in societies that place technology above humans.

Also in 2022, businessman and investor Warren Buffett warned in an interview with Forbes that the development of robots could lead to “major economic disruption,” noting that rapid shifts in the labor market due to robots could lead to increased unemployment and economic instability.

In 2023, during an interview with Vanity Fair, famous actress Meryl Streep expressed her concern about the impact of robots on the film industry, noting that they could lead to a "loss of human elements" in acting and production.

In the same year, American novelist Paul Auster, in an interview with the Washington Post, expressed his fears about the development of robots, noting that this technology could make “humans more isolated” and increase reliance on machines in daily human life.

Also in 2023, British writer Philip Pullman warned in an interview with the BBC that the development of robots could lead to “technology taking over humans,” noting that increasing reliance on robots could lead to “humans losing their ability to think independently.”

In 2024, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, expressed his concerns that the development of robots could lead to “increasing the gap between rich and poor,” noting that this technology could increase economic and social disparities.

In the same year, philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman asserted in an interview with the British newspaper The Independent that the development of robots could lead to the "undermining of moral values", noting that reliance on machines could make humans less interested in human interaction.

Also in 2024, Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami, speaking to The New Yorker, expressed his opposition to the development of robots, noting that this technology could “spoil the simplicity of life” and cause humans to lose touch with nature and real life.

In the same year, the famous media personality Oprah Winfrey, during an interview with Fox News, expressed her concern about the impact of robots on social life, noting that the increasing reliance on technology could make human relationships more superficial and less profound.

In 2024, during a conference at Yale University, author and psychologist Daniel Kahneman warned that the development of robots could “exacerbate social tensions,” noting that rapid changes in the labor market could leave people feeling helpless and insecure.

In the same year, the famous investor George Soros expressed his opposition to the development of robots in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, noting that this technology could lead to "increased political influence of large corporations" and reduce the ability of governments to regulate markets.

Also in 2024, American actor and director Clint Eastwood expressed his fears in an interview with Esquire magazine that the development of robots would lead to humans “losing their soul,” noting that reliance on machines could make life more automated and less human.

In the same year, American novelist John Grisham warned, speaking to CBS, that the development of robots could lead to the "destruction of societal values," noting that increasing reliance on technology could make people less interested in social interaction.

In 2024, during a conference at Stanford University, Canadian scientist and public intellectual Marshall McLuhan asserted that the development of robots could lead to “radical transformations in the nature of humanity,” warning that this technology could change the way humans think and interact with the world.

Finally, in 2024, in an interview with the Daily Mail, British novelist Ian McEwan expressed his concern that the development of robots would lead to “technology taking over human life,” noting that increasing reliance on robots could cause humans to lose control of their future.

Funny situations

Over the past few years, robots have advanced amazingly, and many funny stories have emerged that reveal the sometimes surprising and sometimes funny side of this technology. In 2019, in a cafe in Tokyo, a robot called “Pepper” was used to greet customers and take orders. But Pepper, with his great enthusiasm, began repeating the same sentence to the customers over and over again, causing them to laugh and prompting one of them to ask him: “Are you serious or are you training?” It was later discovered that there was a simple technical glitch.

That same year, at a robotics conference in Las Vegas, a robot named Bruno tried to demonstrate how to make coffee. But instead of making it, Bruno decided to spill milk on the table and clean up after himself. The audience was in a constant state of laughter, and the developers commented on the incident that Bruno decided to be polite and clean up the mess he made.

In 2020, in San Francisco, while testing a new robot called "Scout" to deliver packages, the robot suddenly stopped in front of a small dog, and began trying to run away from it after the dog started barking at it, making the scene look like the robot was afraid of dogs.

That same year, in a German hospital, a robot was being used to help doctors move medical equipment. While moving a trolley full of instruments, the robot decided to take an unexpected break in the middle of the corridor, refusing to move until it was turned off and restarted. The doctors joked that it “maybe needs a break.”

In 2021, during a test run of a robot named Justin at a Detroit auto plant, the robot was programmed to do a simple task of tightening screws, but instead it started unscrewing the screws it had just tightened. The workers at the plant laughed, and when they asked him why, one of the developers replied, “Justin’s still learning, give him a chance!”

Also in 2021, in New York City, a new robot named Artie was launched to be a guide for tourists in a museum. But during the first tour, Artie suddenly stopped in front of a painting and started repeating the same sentence over and over, to the point that one visitor asked, “Does he like the painting or what?”

In 2022, there was a robot in a robotic restaurant in Shanghai that was used to prepare food. But one day, the robot decided to randomly mix all the ingredients, and served a strange meal that made everyone laugh. The chefs at the restaurant decided to keep the meal as a special offer for adventurous customers.

That same year, at Cambridge University, a robot was used to teach students how to code. But during one lesson, the robot decided to put all the code into an infinite loop, causing the entire system to stop. The students and teachers laughed at the situation, and decided to call the lesson “The Crazy Loop Lesson.”

In 2023, while testing a robot called Bella in a London supermarket, it was supposed to help customers find products. But Bella decided to lead customers only to the sweets section, which delighted the children, while parents wondered why it had such an apparent bias towards sweets.

That same year, in Sydney, a small robot called “Tito” was used to hand out food and drinks at a party. Instead, the robot began following the same person around the party, making everyone laugh and ask, “Does Tito like you or what?”

Also in 2023, at a technology conference in Dubai, a robot named Mega tried to show off its strength in lifting heavy weights, but in the middle of the show the weight fell to the ground, and Mega started apologizing repeatedly to the audience, making everyone laugh at his funny situation.

In 2024, during a sporting event in Tokyo, a robot named "Fasty" was used to kick a ball as part of an entertainment show. However, instead of kicking the ball towards the goal, "Fasty" kicked it out of the field, causing hysterical laughter from the audience.

That same year, a small robot was used to collect fallen leaves in a public park in Paris. Instead, the robot began collecting people's shoes and leaving the leaves on the ground, causing a wave of laughter among visitors.

Also in 2024, a robot in an electronics store in Berlin was used to help customers choose appliances. But the robot decided to display all the appliances regardless of the customer’s request, which made the salespeople joke: “It wants to sell everything at once!”

That same year, a robot named "Sonic" attempted to perform at a technology festival in Singapore. Instead of playing, it started making random sounds, causing the audience to applaud and laugh, while the organizers commented that "Sonic is still learning."

In 2024, there was a robot in a Las Vegas hotel that was used for room service. But one day, the robot decided to enter a guest's room and sit next to him on the bed, surprising the guest and making him say, "Is he here to watch TV with me or what?"

In the same year, there was a robot in a Barcelona restaurant used to serve food. But one time it decided to serve itself instead of the customers, which made everyone in the restaurant laugh at the strange scene.

Also in 2024, there was a robot used to feed animals at an Amsterdam zoo. But the robot decided to feed itself instead of the animals, which made visitors laugh as they watched the robot try to “eat” the food.

Finally, in 2024, at a wedding in Rome, a robot named "Rico" is used to present the rings to the bride and groom. But "Rico" decides to take the ring and run away with it, causing everyone at the party to laugh and ask: "Does Rico want to get married too?"

Best Tips and Recommendations

If you are interested in robotics development, there are several tips and recommendations that can help you better understand this field and exploit it to your advantage. First, it is important to stay up to date with the latest technological developments. Robotics developments happen quickly, so following the news and scientific articles can keep you ahead of the curve.

Try learning how to code if you haven't already. Coding is the foundation for controlling robots, and even if your knowledge is basic, you'll be able to understand how they work better.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. If you have the opportunity to try out a robot yourself, whether it’s simple or complex, do it. First-hand experience gives you a deeper understanding of the capabilities and limitations of robots.

It is important to be aware of the ethical challenges associated with robotics. Understanding how robotics will impact society and jobs can help you make informed decisions about whether to support or oppose certain types of developments in this field.

Look for educational opportunities. There are many online courses that can give you in-depth knowledge about robotics and AI, such as courses on platforms like Coursera or edX .

Be open to collaboration. If you work in a field that intersects with robotics, such as engineering or medicine, try to collaborate with robotics experts to advance your work.

Don't forget to read specialized books, as there are many books that address the topic of robotics from different aspects, whether technical or philosophical, and give you a deep understanding of this growing field.

Try to learn as much as you can about artificial intelligence. Modern robotics rely heavily on artificial intelligence, so understanding this aspect can expand your knowledge of robotics.

If you own a small or medium-sized business, consider how you can introduce robots into your business to improve efficiency and productivity. Robots are not limited to large companies; they can be used in a variety of activities.

Care must be taken not to become overly dependent on robots in daily life. Despite their many benefits, limits must be set to ensure that humans do not lose too much of their independence.

If you are a teacher or a parent, try to include robotics as part of your children’s education. Teaching them coding and robotics from an early age can open up great opportunities for them in the future.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you have difficulty understanding a certain part of robotics or are interested in developing a particular project, don't hesitate to ask for help from experts or join specialized forums.

Avoid falling into marketing traps. Some companies may promote robots as groundbreaking products, but not all new products are worth investing in. Do extensive research before making purchasing decisions.

Consider environmental impacts. The manufacture and use of robots can have environmental impacts, so it is important to think about how to mitigate these impacts using environmentally friendly technologies.

Don’t forget the legal aspect. Robotics development raises many legal issues, such as intellectual property and safety. Understanding these legal aspects can protect you and your future projects.

Try to visit robotics exhibitions and conferences. These events provide an opportunity to see the latest innovations and interact with robots up close.

If you are an entrepreneur, consider investing in robotics. This field is growing rapidly, and investing in it now could pay off big in the future.

Don’t forget to think about the human side. Robots can be very useful in health and social care, so think about how you can use the technology to improve the lives of others.

Be prepared to constantly learn. Technology is changing rapidly, so it's important to always be prepared to learn new skills and keep up with changes.

Finally, don’t lose your passion. Robotics is an exciting field full of potential, but it is the passion and genuine interest that will lead you to success and get the most out of this field.


The development of robotics is not just a set of technological innovations, but a reflection of humanity’s constant desire to push its limits and achieve what was previously considered impossible. The development of robotics is like an exciting journey that began with a fantasy idea and turned into a tangible reality that changes our lives day by day. From funny stories that made us laugh, to ethical challenges and social issues that raise concerns, it is clear that robots have become an integral part of our lives.

The diverse opinions of celebrities and prominent authors, both for and against, reflect the complexity of this topic and suggest that robots are not just technological tools, but a force that may shape the future of humanity in unexpected ways. We live in a time of rapid change, where we must deal with the various effects of this technology with awareness and caution.

The advice and recommendations provided help us to benefit from this development positively, but also urge us to think critically and not to be swept away by the tide of technology without a deep understanding of its implications. Ultimately, the future of robotics is also our future. This future is full of possibilities and opportunities, but it is also full of challenges that require us to balance innovation with preserving our human values.

The main takeaway from this conversation is that robotics holds great potential for progress, but we need to approach it with continued wisdom and passion to ensure that technology remains at the service of humanity, not the other way around.

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