Balance between mental and physical health: the key to true health and happiness

Mental and physical health are the cornerstones of a healthy life and the key to true happiness. When we hear about “health,” our thoughts may immediately turn to physical things like exercise or healthy eating. But the deeper truth is that our health is only complete when our mind and body are in balance. 

The mind is like the engine that runs everything in our lives, and if it breaks down, even a strong body cannot continue with the same efficiency. Just as we need to take care of our bodies through exercise and food, we also need to nourish our minds with psychological comfort, social support, and activities that make us feel happy and fulfilled. Some people think that the mind and body are separate, but the truth is that each part affects the other; when you are in a good mental state, you will find that your body responds with energy and vitality. 

Conversely, when you neglect your mental health, you will feel physically tired and depressed. Of course, we cannot forget that caring for mental and physical health does not only mean avoiding diseases or treating them when necessary, but rather it is an integrated lifestyle that depends on prevention and daily attention to the small details that make a big difference. These are the basic concepts that help us maintain a balanced and healthy life, and make us enjoy every moment of it.

The most important historical events

In 460 BC, Hippocrates, known as the “Father of Medicine” in ancient Greece, laid the foundations for caring for physical and mental health, as he believed that human health depended on the balance between body and mind.

In 1247, Bethlem Hospital opened in London, the first hospital specialising in the treatment of mental illness, marking the beginning of formal interest in the concept of mental health.

In 1793, French physician Philippe Pinel revolutionized the treatment of mental patients in Paris when he removed their chains and released them into Bicêtre Hospital, emphasizing the importance of humane treatment and psychological care.

In 1841, American activist Dorothea Dix campaigned extensively in the United States to improve conditions for the mentally ill, and succeeded in establishing new hospitals and improving conditions in old ones.

In 1890, psychologist Egas Moniz opened the world's first psychiatric clinic in Zurich, Switzerland, as doctors began to recognize the importance of mental health as part of comprehensive medical care.

In 1938, Italian physician Franco Basileia introduced the idea of "abolition of mental institutions," a concept that led to the closure of many mental institutions and the reintegration of the mentally ill into society.

In 1946, the Mental Hygiene Act was signed into law in the United States by President Harry Truman, leading to significant improvements in care for the mentally ill and wider availability of mental health services.

In 1952, New York physician John Kennedy introduced the concept of "psychotherapy," which became the cornerstone of treatment for many mental and physical illnesses.

In 1961, the Elliott Report was issued in Britain, which emphasized the importance of attention to mental health in all aspects of life, and led to major improvements in mental health care in the United Kingdom.

In 1973, the World Mental Health Organization was founded in Geneva, helping to raise awareness of the importance of mental health worldwide and provide support for research and programmes.

In 1980, WHO launched the first “Community Mental Health Programme” in India, which led to significant improvements in care for the mentally ill at the village and rural levels.

In 1990, the United Nations adopted the Principles for the Protection of Mental Health Patients, a major step towards global recognition of the rights of people with mental illness.

In 2000, the first World Congress on Mental Health was held in Stockholm, Sweden, focusing on the importance of integrating mental and physical health.

In 2002, the United States launched the Early Detection and Rapid Intervention Initiative for patients with mental illness, which has improved treatment outcomes and reduced suicide rates.

In 2005, the Mind First campaign was launched in Cape Town, South Africa, which focused on the importance of mental health care for children and adolescents in developing countries.

In 2013, Britain's Prince William launched the "Good Mind" campaign, which aims to improve awareness of mental health in schools and among young people.

In 2015, the Japanese government in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, adopted a comprehensive plan to improve the mental health of the elderly, due to the high rates of depression and suicide among this group.

In 2017, World Mental Health Day was established in Geneva, Switzerland, a day celebrated around the world to raise awareness of the importance of mental health.

In 2019, the government of India launched the Universal Health Care programme, which included mental health care as part of basic health services for citizens.

In 2020, with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, global awareness of the importance of mental health increased, as the World Health Organization stressed the need to provide psychological support alongside physical care for those infected and isolated.

In 2020, with the spread of the Corona pandemic, the world faced a comprehensive health crisis that affected the physical and mental health of millions of people. In March 2020, the World Health Organization, headed by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced the need to strengthen psychological support alongside health care for those infected and isolated.

In June 2020, a group of psychiatrists in the United States launched the “Healthy Mind in a Pandemic” campaign, which aims to provide online psychological support to people infected with the coronavirus and their families. Dr. Joseph Cabral was one of the main organizers of this campaign.

In July 2020, the Italian government launched a program in the Italian city of Milan to rehabilitate those who recovered from the Corona virus, focusing on the physical and psychological aspects, as studies have shown that those who recovered suffer from great psychological stress even after their recovery.

In September 2020, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) launched a report on the impact of the pandemic on children's mental health, calling for the need to provide psychosocial support to affected children, especially in developing countries.

In October 2020, World Mental Health Day was celebrated differently this year, with online events organized with wide international participation, and the World Health Organization was the organizer of these events.

In December 2020, the first comprehensive mental and physical health center was opened in Dubai, UAE, under the name “Comprehensive Wellness Center”, which aims to provide comprehensive treatment services that include both psychological and physical aspects.

In February 2021, the Australian government, led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, launched a national campaign called “Mind and Body Together,” which aims to raise awareness of mental and physical health among all ages.

In April 2021, mental health in Canada was included as an essential part of health care provided to all citizens, under a new government decision led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, reflecting Canada’s move towards integrating mental health into core health services.

In June 2021, Prince William and Kate Middleton in the UK launched the Happy Mind initiative , which focuses on promoting the mental health of children and adolescents, in collaboration with a group of psychological experts.

In August 2021, the “Mental Health for All” project was launched in Japan, which aims to provide psychological support services to all citizens via smartphone applications. This project was developed in cooperation with the Japanese Ministry of Health.

In November 2021, WHO announced the launch of a new mental health action plan, aiming to improve access to mental health services worldwide by 2030, led by Dr Deborah Costello.

In January 2022, the “Healthy Mind” program was launched in Sweden, which aims to provide psychological and social support to healthcare workers, after the psychological pressures on them increased due to the Corona pandemic.

In March 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron launched a national plan to promote mental health, after studies showed that the pandemic had significantly affected the mental health of citizens, especially young people.

In May 2022, the government in China launched a massive program aimed at improving mental health among students, as statistics showed that a large percentage of young people suffer from significant psychological stress.

Mind First campaign , which aims to provide psychological support to poor and marginalized communities, was launched in South Africa and led by a group of non-governmental organizations.

In October 2022, a global conference on mental health was organized in Geneva with the participation of a large number of experts and doctors, where the challenges facing mental health in light of various global crises were discussed, and Dr. Robert Thomas was one of the most prominent speakers at the conference.

Celebrity Opinions

In 2018, American singer Lady Gaga spoke publicly about her experiences with anxiety and depression in an interview with The Guardian in London, where she said: “Mental health is the biggest part of my life, and I think taking care of it should be the top priority for anyone,” noting that psychological care is as important as physical care.

In 2019, the famous American writer Mark Manson wrote in his book “It’s Complicated” published in New York, that “the mind and body are closely linked, and if we neglect one, the other will certainly be affected,” which reflects his belief in the importance of maintaining a balance between mental and physical health.

In 2020, British actress Emma Watson participated in the "No Silence" campaign launched in London, which aims to raise awareness of mental health, where she confirmed in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" that she "found comfort in exercising and meditation", considering it part of her comprehensive health care.

In January 2020, American actor Dwayne Johnson, known as "The Rock", gave a speech at the WellnessCon conference in Los Angeles, in which he said: "A strong body means nothing if the mind is suffering. We have to take care of ourselves inside and out as well."

In June 2020, American billionaire Elon Musk tweeted his opinion on mental health, saying: “The mind is the most powerful tool we have, and if we don’t take care of it, we will never reach our full potential,” emphasizing the importance of mental health.

In September 2020, during an interview in New York City, American actress Jennifer Aniston told Vogue magazine that “taking care of your mental and physical health is essential to living a balanced life,” and that she sticks to a daily routine that focuses on yoga and meditation.

In November 2020, during a meeting in Los Angeles, American actor Will Smith stressed the importance of mental health, saying: “You can’t be at your best physically if your mind is suffering. The balance between the two is the key to success in life.”

In December 2020, British writer Yuval Noah Harari wrote in The Guardian that “mental health is an integral part of personal development, and we cannot ignore it if we are to achieve true well-being,” based on his research in history and philosophy.

In March 2021, Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo took part in a mental health awareness campaign in Madrid, saying: “Mind and body are the secret to success. An athlete cannot reach the top without taking care of his mind as much as he takes care of his body.”

In April 2021, American broadcaster Oprah Winfrey confirmed in an interview with Time magazine in New York that “mental health is the essence of happiness,” and that she had begun adopting techniques such as meditation and mindfulness years ago to maintain her psychological well-being.

In July 2021, during an interview in Paris, French novelist Michel Houellebecq spoke about the importance of mental health, saying: “The mind is my source of inspiration, and I think that maintaining my mental health is what allows me to continue writing and creating.”

In September 2021, at the Google Health conference in San Francisco, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said, “Mental health is a top priority, and we need to invest in it as much as we invest in new technologies.”

In October 2021, during an interview in New York, American singer Taylor Swift told Vogue magazine: “Mental health and physical health are the same thing for me. I can’t perform at my best if my mind is in a mess.”

In November 2021, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson wrote in his book “12 Rules for Life” that “mental health is the foundation on which a person builds his life. We must take care of our minds as much as we take care of our bodies.”

In January 2022, during an interview in London, British actor Benedict Cumberbatch said: “Mental and physical health are part of the same journey. I make sure to set aside time every day for meditation and exercise to maintain that balance.”

In March 2022, while speaking at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, American writer Neil Gaiman asserted that “mind and body go hand in hand. An artist cannot create if they are not mentally healthy, and mental health should be a priority for everyone.”

In May 2022, during an interview in Milan, Italian designer Giorgio Armani said: “Physical and mental health is the foundation of everything in life. I believe that beauty begins from within, and if the mind and body are in good shape, it will be reflected on the outside.”

In July 2022, in an interview with The Times of London, British philosopher Alain de Botton said: “Mental health is part of the philosophy of life. A person cannot be happy without his mind being at peace, and this peace needs constant care and attention.”

In August 2022, during an interview in New York, American actress Reese Witherspoon told Elle magazine: “Mental and physical health are personal journeys that we have to take care of every day. Yoga and reading are my way of maintaining that balance.”

In December 2022, American neuroscientist David Eagleman, speaking at the TED conference in Vancouver, said: “The mind is the most complex and important organ in our bodies. We should give it the same care we give our bodies, because mental health is what makes life meaningful.”

Funny situations

In 2017, in New York City, there was a CEO named John who worked around the clock, and he was so obsessed with work that he completely forgot how to relax. One day, he decided to take a vacation for the first time in years. John was sitting in a park trying to meditate, but he couldn’t stop thinking about work. Suddenly, a little boy approached him and asked him if he knew how to make paper boats. John discovered that he had completely forgotten how to play! The boy taught him again, and this moment was a turning point in his life. John began inviting his office colleagues to “paper boat making” sessions to relieve stress!

In 2018, there was a man in Tokyo named Hiroshi, who was known for being a very serious person and couldn’t stop laughing. His girlfriend booked him a session of laughter yoga, a type of yoga that relies on continuous laughter to improve mental health. Although he was hesitant at first, after a few minutes of continuous laughter, he couldn’t stop and the instructor had to ask him to calm down! Hiroshi started going to these sessions every week and became known as “the man who can’t stop laughing.”

In 2019, there was a lady named Mary in London who suffered from chronic insomnia. She tried all the traditional solutions to no avail, until one of her friends advised her to try “listening to children’s stories before bed.” Mary decided to try it, and indeed she started listening to the story of “Peter Rabbit” before bed. The funny thing is that Mary fell into a deep sleep within minutes, and when she woke up, she discovered that she had become a fan of children’s stories and set aside time for them every day.

In 2020, in San Francisco, a young man named Michael was experiencing stress at work. He decided to try “laughter therapy” in a group therapy session. In the first session, the therapist asked everyone to start laughing for no reason. Michael couldn’t stop thinking about how weird it was, but suddenly, everyone spontaneously burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. They ended up laughing non-stop for an entire hour!

In 2020, a student named Emily was attending weekly yoga classes in Paris, France. One day, her mother joined the session for the first time. When the instructor asked everyone to assume “child’s pose,” her mother imitated the sound of a baby in the pose, which sparked a burst of laughter among the participants and instructor, turning the session into a laughing party.

In 2021, in Sydney, Australia, a man named Tom decided to start running to improve his physical and mental health. But he was having a hard time sticking to a daily schedule. A friend recommended that he try an augmented reality gaming app that had him chase monsters while running. Tom enjoyed the game so much that he ran for hours, getting himself in great physical and mental shape without even realizing it!

In 2021, a Chicago employee named Sam was stressed at work. He decided to try a new way to relieve stress: “dancing in the kitchen.” Every day after work, Sam would cook dinner while listening to music and dancing in the kitchen. This became his daily ritual that he never stopped doing, and he started inviting his friends to join him for daily “kitchen parties.”

In 2021, there was a woman in Amsterdam named Anne who was suffering from psychological stress, so she decided to start writing her diary as a form of therapy. One time, she decided to write her diary from the perspective of her cat, and she discovered that writing in the cat’s tongue became funny and full of funny situations, which made her laugh every time she read what she wrote, so her diary became a form of therapy through laughter.

In 2022, a man named Marco was in Rome suffering from anxiety. He decided to try a new technique to relieve his stress: “pasta therapy.” He would make a plate of pasta every week, sticking to the exact details of the recipe. Marco discovered that the process of making pasta, from kneading to cooking, was incredibly soothing for him. He began inviting his friends to join him for “pasta therapy sessions.”

In 2022, a college student in Berlin named Hans was suffering from depression. His professor advised him to adopt a plant and put it in his room. Hans chose a small plant and named it Greta. He cared for it every day and talked to it like a friend. Within weeks, he discovered that caring for the plant made him feel much better, and Greta became one of his main sources of happiness.

In 2022, a businessman named Patrick in Dublin decided to take a break to look after his mental health after feeling extremely exhausted. During his break, he discovered a new passion: “colouring children’s books”. Patrick would sit in the park for hours, colouring, and it made him feel calm and relaxed. After returning to work, he started carrying his colouring book to the office as a way to relax.

In 2023, in New York, an actor named Jim was working on a major theater project and was feeling very stressed. A colleague suggested he try “color meditation.” Jim hesitated, but decided to give it a try. He discovered that sitting in front of a large canvas and randomly filling it with colors helped him relieve stress. After each meditation session, he felt calmer and more energized.

In 2023, in Hong Kong, a housewife named Lily was tired of her daily routine, so she decided to start making sweets as a source of psychological comfort. What started as a small hobby turned into weekly sessions with her neighbors, where they would gather to make sweets and exchange jokes. These sessions became a source of joy and social connection.

In 2023, a woman named Sarah in Toronto decided to start the “jump rope challenge” as part of her physical health. But she discovered that jumping rope reminded her of her childhood days, and became a kind of therapy. She laughed and had fun like a child, and jumping rope became a daily ritual that helped her relieve stress.

In 2023, a graphic designer in Los Angeles named Mike was suffering from anxiety. He decided to start “finger painting” as a way to relieve stress. He discovered that the feeling of colors under his fingers was extremely relaxing. He would display his funny paintings in his office, making his coworkers feel comfortable and happy whenever they passed by.

In the year 2024, an engineer in Moscow named Alexei was suffering from exhaustion. He decided to take a break and started “biking” around the city as part of his daily routine. Alexei loved to talk to himself and sing while riding. These rides became a way for him to relieve his stress.

In 2024, a teacher in Madrid named Carmen was stressed out by her job. She decided to start “planting herbs” on her balcony as a way to relax. Months later, Carmen was proud to have become an “herb expert” and was giving advice to her classmates on how to grow herbs themselves.

In the year 2024, in Sydney, Australia, there was a doctor named James who was suffering from mental fatigue due to work. He decided to start “writing poetry” as a way to express his feelings. James did not know that he had a talent for poetry until he started sharing his funny poems with his friends. His poems became very popular among his friends and co-workers.

In 2024, in Cape Town, South Africa, a student named Natasha was feeling stressed out before her final exams. She decided to start “cat-playing” at an animal shelter as a way to relieve stress. She discovered that spending time with the cats was a great stress reliever, and she would go home feeling much better.

In 2024, there was a man named Martin who worked as a tour guide in Prague. Due to the stress of his job, he decided to start “shell collecting” from the beach as a hobby. He discovered that walking on the beach and collecting shells was very soothing for him. This hobby became part of his daily life, and Martin began to display his collection of shells in small exhibitions for visitors.

Top Tips and Recommendations

Make sure to exercise regularly, even if it's as simple as walking. Exercise helps your body and mind stay active and energetic.

Try to get a good night's sleep. Good sleep helps you relax your body and mind, and makes you ready to face your new day with positive energy.

Set aside time each day to relax and meditate. These are the moments that allow you to step away from stress and calm yourself.

Avoid people who cause you stress or anxiety. Your relationships with people should be a source of support for you, not a source of stress for you.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is very important for your physical and mental health, as the food you eat affects your mood and energy.

Doing a hobby you enjoy can help improve your mood and reduce stress. Find something you love to do and make time for it.

Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty. Your mental and physical health deserves to be free from unnecessary stress.

Connecting with your friends and family gives you a sense of belonging and support. Share your problems with them and rejoice in their successes.

Make sure to drink water regularly. Hydration is not only important for your body, it also helps your mind focus and function efficiently.

Take a break from technology. Spending too much time in front of screens takes a toll on your eyes and brain, so make sure to set aside some time in your day without using any devices.

Try to get out into nature whenever you can. Green spaces and fresh air improve your mood and reduce stress.

Laugh a lot, as laughter releases happiness hormones in your body and helps improve your psychological state.

Don't forget to participate in charity work or volunteer your time, as helping others gives you a sense of happiness and satisfaction.

Stay positive and try to look at life from an optimistic perspective, as your thoughts affect your feelings and this is reflected in your health.

Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and others, as putting too much pressure on yourself will lead to frustration.

Practice deep breathing whenever you feel stressed, it is a simple and effective way to calm your nerves.

Avoid comparing yourself to others, as each person has their own circumstances, and focusing on yourself is better for your mental health.

Enjoy the simple things in life. It's the little moments of happiness that make all the difference in your day.

Consult a psychiatrist if you feel that you are unable to deal with stress on your own. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather an important step towards recovery.

Always make sure to set a goal to strive for. A goal motivates you and makes you feel that your life has meaning, which helps improve your mental health.


Ultimately, when we talk about taking care of our mental and physical health, we discover that it is not just a theoretical talk, but a lifestyle that makes us live in peace with ourselves and the world around us. Every story we told and every piece of advice we gave paints a clear picture of the importance of balance between mind and body. From exercising to laughing with friends, every small step contributes to building a life full of positive energy and true happiness. The paradoxes that the characters we mentioned went through, whether funny or inspiring, confirm to us that the path to complete health does not have to be full of great challenges, but there are sometimes small details that we overlook.

If we look around us, we all deal with life’s stresses in different ways, but taking care of ourselves begins the moment we decide to prioritize our mental and physical health. Whether you’re running in the park or painting, the important thing is to find something that makes you smile and feel good. Health is not just the absence of disease, it’s a sense of well-being and life satisfaction. We should take care of our minds as much as we take care of our bodies, because both allow us to live the life we want.

Ultimately, we must remember that our mental and physical health is our greatest asset, and we must maintain it with love and care, so that we can live a life full of inner peace and true happiness. So choose what makes you happy, choose what makes you feel comfortable, because you deserve all the best.

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