Research Prospectus: Examining the Environmental and Health Impacts of Construction Pollution in NYC

          According to Latham, J. (2005), a research prospectus is a document that outlines the goals, methods, and timeline for a research project. It is typically written by a student or researcher seeking funding or approval for their project. The prospectus should include the following sections (Title- Introduction- Literature review- Research questions- Methods- Timeline- Budget- References).

Research Problem

         New York City is a significant construction hub, and the construction industry is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Construction activities generate air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and solid waste. These pollutants can significantly impact the environment and human health (Kheirbek et al., 2014). The main problem of the research is to examine the environmental and health impacts of construction pollution in NYC. The research will use a mixed-methods approach to collect data on the significant sources of construction pollution in NYC, the environmental and health impacts, and the best practices for reducing construction pollution in NYC.

Problem Statement

  • Issue: Construction pollution is a significant problem in NYC & hurting the environment and human health.
  • Cause: There are many sources of construction pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and solid waste.
  • Impact: Construction pollution can cause various environmental and health problems, including respiratory problems, heart disease, cancer, and noise pollution.
  • Solution: The research will examine the best practices for reducing construction pollution in NYC.

Research Questions

         RQ1: What is the relationship between the amount of construction pollution in NYC and the incidence of respiratory problems in the city?

  • Independent variable: Amount of construction pollution in NYC
  • Dependent variable: Incidence of respiratory problems in NYC

         RQ2: How do the best practices for reducing construction pollution in NYC vary depending on the type of construction project?

  • Independent variable: Type of construction project
  • Dependent variable: Best practices for reducing construction pollution

         These RQs are specific, measurable, and relevant to construction pollution in NYC. The independent variables are clearly defined, and the dependent variables are measurable. The RQs are also feasible to answer with the available resources. To answer RQ1, I could conduct a study that compares the incidence of respiratory problems in communities with high levels of construction pollution to the incidence of respiratory problems in communities with low levels of construction pollution. To answer RQ2, I could survey construction companies in NYC to collect data on their pollution prevention practices. I could then analyze the data to see how the best practices for reducing construction pollution vary depending on the type of construction project (Cheriyan & Choi, 2020).


          The research prospectus is an important document that can help ensure a research project's success. By carefully planning and documenting their research, researchers can increase their chances of achieving their goals and significantly contributing to their field. The main problem of the research is that it is difficult to quantify the environmental and health impacts of construction pollution. This is because there are many different types of construction pollution, and tracking the movement of these pollutants through the environment can be challenging (Wu, Zhang & Wu, 2016). Additionally, the health impacts of construction pollution can vary depending on the individual's exposure to the pollutants.


Cheriyan, D., & Choi, J. H. (2020). A review of research on particulate matter pollution in the construction industry. Journal of

Cleaner Production, 254, 120077.

Kheirbek, I., Ito, K., Neitzel, R., Kim, J., Johnson, S., Ross, Z., ... & Matte, T. (2014). Spatial variation in environmental noise

And air pollution in New York City. Journal of Urban Health, 91, 415-431.

Latham, J. (2005). The research prospectus. Retrieved September 9, 2005.

Wu, Z., Zhang, X., & Wu, M. (2016). Mitigating construction dust pollution: State of the art and the way forward. Journal of

Cleaner production, 112, 1658-1666.

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