Understanding Population and Sample Selection

         The relationship between the population and the sample of participants is essential in research because it affects the validity of the results. Population is the entire group of people, things, or events being studied. A sample is a subset of the population used to collect data. The sample size should be large enough to represent the population but also small enough to be manageable (365 Data Science, 2017).

Applying to the specified article:

  • Title: Importance and Performance Rating Analysis for Implementing Green Construction on Building Project (Prameswari et al. 2021).
  • Authors: Prameswari, F R; Rachamawati, F; Wiguna, I P A; Rohman, M A
  • Journal: ProQuest One Academic provided by Touro University

         The article examines the importance and performance of green building practices in Indonesia. The results showed that green building is essential for all stakeholders, but there is a gap between the reputation and performance of green building practices.

The Sample of Participants:

         The sample of participants in the article consisted of 30 professionals involved in the construction industry in Indonesia. The participants were divided into three groups: owners (10 participants), consultants (10 participants), and contractors (10 participants). The demographic characteristics of the participants are as follows:

  • Gender: 18 (60%) participants were male and 12 (40%) were female.
  • Age: The average age of the participants was 38 years old.
  • Education: The majority of the participants (25) had a bachelor's degree, 4 had a master's degree, and 1 had a doctoral degree.
  • Experience: The average experience of the participants was ten years.

        The sample of participants was relatively small, but it was representative of the construction industry in Indonesia. The participants had a variety of backgrounds and experiences, which allowed the researchers to gain a comprehensive view of the importance and performance of green building practices in Indonesia (Prameswari et al. 2021).

The limitations of the sample of participants:

         The sample of participants in the article has several limitations:

  • First: the sample size is relatively small. A larger sample size would have made the results more generalizable.
  • Second: The sample was restricted to professionals working in the construction industry in Indonesia. The results may not be generalizable to other countries or other initiatives.
  • Third: The survey is self-reported. This means that the participants may have been biased in their responses.

         Despite these limitations, the study provides valuable insights into the importance and performance of green building practices in Indonesia. The study highlights the need for more research and development in green building. Green building has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry significantly.


          Several factors must be considered when choosing a sample, including the population size, the data collection cost, and the time available to conduct the study (Israel, 1992). The researcher must also take into account the type of data being collected. For example, a smaller sample may suffice if the data is qualitative, such as in interviews or focus groups. However, a larger sample may be necessary if the data is quantitative, such as the survey results. A more extensive study with a more diverse selection of participants would also be preferred (Majid, 2018).


365 Data Science. (2017). Population vs. sample. [Video File]. Retrieved from

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIZD1BFfw8E [3:53]

Israel, G. D. (1992). Determining sample size.


Majid, U. (2018). Research fundamentals: Study design, population, and sample size. Undergraduate research in natural and

clinical science and technology journal, 2, 1-7.

Prameswari, F. R., Rachamawati, F., Wiguna, I. P. A., & Rohman, M. A. (2021). Importance and performance ratings analysis

for implementation of green construction on building project. IOP Conference Series.Earth and Environmental Science, 799(1) doi:https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/799/1/012015

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