Pre-Testing in Research: Avoiding Bias and Errors in Data Collection

       The process that I must perform before collecting the primary sample data is "the pre-test." It is a critical stage in the sampling process in which specific questions are tested on the target population members (Perneer, Courvoisier, Hudelson & Gay, and Ageron, 201; this pre-test is called the experimental survey, in which the researcher avoids bias and errors in the primary survey. It provides the researcher with an initial view of the research process.

Pre-test Value

     According to (Alam, 2019), when doing the pre-test allows for making some revisions to the data collection steps and making sure to ask the appropriate question to the person who can answer it. Another long-term reason is the thinking behind the answers and whether the respondents understood the questions or wh whether the researcher filled out the questionnaires correctly.

Data collection bias

     During the sampling process, bias sometimes occurs in data collection. This bias is mainly caused by systematic errors in the sample survey procedures so that it can be seen in the sampling planning process (Li, Higgins & Deeks, 2019). For example, in my research, bias occurs if a specific group is targeted to answer the questions. This group is known in advance by the researcher that its answer will be in the direction of proving the research question and its results. For example, pollution at a specific construction site severely impacts the population at a rate higher than the actual rate.

Data collection errors

      On the other hand, errors occur when a mistake occurs in collecting or analyzing the results, such as in conducting calculations, statistics, or measuring tools and equipment. Therefore, the error is a single measurement error. At the same time, the bis is an average of repeated errors resulting from the methodology of confusion to conduct and obtain simple and ob qua, Papathanasiou, Biswas & Gurumurthi, 2013).

Recommendations for my research

        It would be helpful to have questions that lead to the right results; the respondents understand these questions well and are well-prepared to perform their tasks in the research process. Also, the research must be conducted on the people involved. In my case, those affected by construction pollution, those close to construction sites, or those who work there. Data collection methods must be in a well-thought-out format from which correct results can be obtained, nor will they misinterpret the search results.


     Pre-testing is the collection of data from a small group of respondents to evaluate the survey procedures and their quality before carrying out the original sample process. Bias occurs when data is chosen in a way that does not reflect real-world data. Errors occur unintentionally and can be avoided by reviewing scheduling and accounts, but bias can only be avoided by managing the sampling process well from the start.


Alam, T. G. M. R. (2019). Comparative analysis between pre-test/post-test model and post-test-only model in achieving the learning outcomes. Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology, 35(1).

Li, T., Higgins, J. P., & Deeks, J. J. (2019). Collecting data. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions, 109-141.

Perneger, T. V., Courvoisier, D. S., Hudelson, P. M., & Gayet-Ageron, A. (2015). Sample size for pre-tests of questionnaires. Quality of life Research, 24, 147-151.

Siddiqua, T., Papathanasiou, A. E., Biswas, A., & Gurumurthi, S. (2013). Analysis and modeling of memory errors from large-scale field data collection. ser. SELSE, 16, 17-18.

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