Practical Business Research: Tackling Environmental Challenges in Construction

         The business world has become more complex and full of challenges in light of tremendous technical development. These new conditions call for companies to use business research as a haven to solve all their problems. Marketing research and consumer indicators decide whether to enter the market or solve problems (Nzembayie, 2017).

        Practical Business Research will be discussed in this paper. What field of research am I seeking in the coming period?

Practical Business Research (PBR)

        According to (Nico, Ellen & Rica, 2017), Practical Business research is a set of practical methods used by companies to analyze available data and use them to solve their problems, in addition to enabling executives to make better decisions and improve results from these decisions (The Business Research Process, n.d.).

PBR Techniques and Practices

        According to Gandhi & Johnson (2019), conducting business research takes several steps, the most important of which is defining the problem or question that needs an answer. After that, data is collected and analyzed, and a report related to the issue is written; in the end, conclusions are drawn that are necessary to solve or overcome the problem. Before that, the problem must be measurable, and the results must be shared to find and fix errors.

PBR Topic

        The social responsibility of construction companies towards the environment and achieving ways of sustainability

Topic Reasons

        Despite the package of laws and preventive measures, most countries are taking measures to reduce the pollution associated with construction work. However, according to recent research, 50% of the causes of global warming are due to construction work worldwide. This is not because of the building and construction work itself but because most architectural materials emit gases that harm the environment. Other problems associated with this include the massive consumption of energy and materials and waste management (Safety Stratus, 2022).

Topic Value

        Because I am an architect and manager of a construction company in New York City. We handle architectural materials daily with great care, as most of these materials cause carbon emissions and other gases. Despite the warnings and restrictions set by the state of New York, the problem with these materials still exists. The alternatives are costly, especially in paint, insulation, epoxy, concrete, and cement materials, and using natural alternatives to energy, such as solar energy instead of gasoline and diesel (Horvath, 2004).


         Construction companies that seek to carry out their social responsibility are the ones that work to preserve the environment and work more towards sustainability. These companies build a better value for their brand and maintain their reputation among customers, whether these customers are individuals or government institutions. We are in this dilemma daily about what materials can be used and what cannot. This problem intersects with other issues such as cost, quality, speed of implementation, and environmental and social responsibility on the company's part.


Gandhi, L., & Johnson, E. (2019). 8 Things to Do Before You Run a Business Experiment. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–5. Retrieved from

EBSCO multi-search database.

Horvath, A. (2004). Construction materials and the environment. Annual review of environment and resources, 29, 0_2.

Nico, M., Ellen, C. M., & Rica, V. (Eds.). (2017). Organizational diagnosis: Tools and applications for researchers and practitioners. Retrieved from Ebook

Central. (read only pages pp.1-6, including Tables 1.1 and 1.2).

Nzembayie, K. F. (2017). Using insider action research to study digital entrepreneurial processes: A pragmatic design choice. Kidmore End:

Academic Conferences International Limited. Retrieved from ProQuest Central Database.

Safety stratus. (2022). Environmental Concerns for Construction Projects

The Business Research Process (n.d.). Retrieved from:

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