Key Theories in Organizational Behavior: Annotated Bibliography and Challenges

          In this discussion, I will identify three main theories related to organizational behavior, formulate an annotated bibliography for each academic reference according to each of them, determine how critical the annotated bibliography is in general to the academic researcher, and finally, discuss the challenges associated with writing the annotated bibliography.

First: Theory of Motivation within Organizations:

A Theory of Human Motivation. (Maslow, 1943).

          Psychologist Abraham Maslow formulated a unique theory of personal motives after studying human samples that he described as ideal; the content of the theory is MMaslow'saassumptioMaslow'sumanmotives are hierarchically hierarchical, from bottom to top; Maslow argued that these primary needs in order of importance are (physiological needs - safety needs - social needs - need for esteem - self-actualization) when a need is satisfied, the individual looks to a higher level, and so on until reaches the top of the pyramid, when evaluating MMaslow'stheory, MMaslow'stheory for those in leadership positions to ensure that they meet the needs of their employees.

Second: Theory of Group Management in the Organization:

Developmental Sequence In Small Groups, (Tuckman, 1965):

          Sociologist Bruce Tuckman analyzed several studies of a group of psychologists who were working within the US Navy. He formulated a theory to describe the development of any work team and the stages it goes through; this will be through four stages: (Forming - Storming - Norming - Performing - Adjourning). Tuckman argued that each stage leads to the next, and a new challenge will emerge with each challenge. TTuckman's theory is the most influential in terms of the number of citations for researchers who study the evolution of working groups.

Third: Conflict Management Theory:

Comparison Of Four Instruments Measuring Conflict Behavior. (Thomas & Kilmann, 1978).

          The two scholars, Thomas & Kilmann, conducted several tests to determine the course of action during the conflict; they formulated a theory describing the choice of bbepeople'ssertivenessand Cooperation during the conflict. Assertiveness is when a person wants to meet his or her own needs, and Cooperation is when an individual tries to satisfy the fears of others. The scholars Thomas & Kilmann argue that conflict management is a person's ability to cooperate and deal with conflict effectively. This is to reduce the level of disagreement and turn it into an energy that pushes towards the work's success. They identified several solutions to conflict management, namely (Collaborating, Competing, Avoiding, Accommodating, and Compromising). This theory is the ideal theory for HR professionals to address conflicts between employees.

Brief Sentences For Each Article:

  • MMaslow's Theory: IIMaslow's theory describes people's primary and daily needs and identifies the motivation to act by anticipating them.
  • TTuckman's Theory: TTuckman's theory describes the stages of teamwork from the beginning of the business until its closure and how individual interactions change from one stage to another.
  • Thomas & Kilmann Theory: This theory describes how interpersonal conflict can be managed and the appropriate decisions to resolve the dispute better.

The importance of Annotated bibliography:

           Its primary purpose is to provide an overview of a particular academic reference by summarizing it so the researcher can know what is inside in several lines, thus saving a lot of time and effort in finding the perfect book or article for what the researcher is looking for.

Challenges related to Annotated bibliography:

          One of the most significant writing challenges is the quality of the source and the ability to express personal ideas in the reference. This is in addition to preserving the essential components of the bibliography, such as the content of the reference, its argumentativeness, analysis of its research methodology, and evaluating the reference through its impact and strengths.


          Although the annotated bibliography is very important in academic research, it is not easy to find good ones. Some writers mix their views with what is presented in the academic reference, leading the researcher to move away from the original reference.


Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological review, 50(4), 370.

Thomas, K. W., & Kilmann, R. H. (1978). Comparison of four instruments measuring conflict behavior. Psychological reports, 42(3_suppl), 1139-1145.

Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological bulletin, 63(6), 384.

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