Fayol vs. Taylor: Comparing Management Theories

          In this discussion, I will address some theoretical contributions to organizational behavior in business by analyzing some of what came from the management theories of Fayol and Taylor; this will be through the points of agreement and differences, their impact on contemporary business, the relevance of my field of interest, and finally, applying it to the selected organization.

Selected Organization

          I will choose (Bechtel) a construction and engineering company; according to the ENR list, this company is the largest in this field in the United States in business volume (ENR, 2020), in addition to the revenue of $17.6 billion for the year 2020, according to Forbes magazine (Forbes, 2022), the company employs 55,000 employees in nearly 50 countries (CISION, 2021). Finally, many studies and masmaster'master'sctoralsearch have been conducted to study this company and its projects from 1898 until now (Smith, 1991).

Reason for Selection:

         (Bechtel) has implemented the most significant industrial city in the world so far according to the classification of (Worldatlas 2021), which is "the" ""industrial city of Jubail" i" Sa" d" Arabia with a value of 20 billion dollars; I have been working as an architect for 12 years near this city.

Basic Management Business by Fayol and Taylor:

         According to Osai, Eleanya, Orukwowu & Okene (2009), Henri Fayol is considered the father of modern management because of his ideas for improving public administration, while Taylor is considered the father of scientific management because of his ideas for increasing overall productivity.

Differences between FayFayol'sd Taylor's principles:

        Both Fayol and Taylor are engineers, the first in mining and the second in production mechanical engineering because they are management practitioners and not academics; their ideas came from their personal experiences and expertise (Reid, 1995); according to (Rahman, 2012), some of the differences can be noted as follows:

  • Fayol developed a general framework that can be applied to most administrative functions, and Taylor focused on management at the implementation level by enhancing work productivity and eliminating waste.
  • Fayol was interested in centralizing management and believed that each employee should have only one manager. At the same time, Taylor was concerned with specialization so workers could have more than one manager, and management could be delegated according to working conditions.
  • Fayol laid the foundation for capability through financial guarantees and health services, and Taylor argued for firing any worker who couldn't perform at their level.
  • Cooperation between levels of management to achieve the desired goals.
  • Indicate ways to motivate employees and encourage them to increase production through a reward system.
  • Both emphasized mutual cooperation between employers, senior management, and employees.

Integration of Fayol and Taylor theorems:

          According to (Taneja, Pryor, & Toombs, 2011), each of their principles agreed to clarify the characteristics of management, the method of performance, and the conditions of work, some of the complementarities as follows:

The impact of the two theories on contemporary business:

          According to Rahman (2012), FayFayol'sFayol'splesve outlasted TayTaylor'Taylor'spleshich have changed due to the impact of recent developments, but both of them play an important and vital role in guiding managers in making appropriate decisions. They are used to solve administrative problems based on anticipating these problems and finding solutions to them.

Relevancy to my area of ​​interest:

         According to (Surbhi, 2019), TayTaylor'Taylor'sch called the engengineeengineer'schnd FayFayol'sFayol'sch the manager. I find that TayTaylor'Taylor'sch clois ser to the field of construction project management; for example, we do not cooperate with workers in directing the course of action t. The course of action is determined by contractual plans, specifications, and the owner's decisions, followed by executive management.

Application to the selected organization:

        According to (Smith, 1991), When starting the implementation of the project (Industrial City in Jubail City), the administrative method used was completely related to the performance reports on the employees; the employees were dismissed from the management team of the project as quickly as possible, the program director was even fired for ineffectiveness and incompetence, and this applies to TayTaylor'Taylor'sch business.


       Taylor and FayFayol'sFayol'schid the foundations for modern management; for example, in the construction project management environment in which I work, we implement many of the standards of the Professional Project Management Institute (PMI), which I find that many of them are based on Taylor and Fayol criteria, this is after adding some necessary updates to modern management methods.


CISION. (2021). Bechtel Annual Report Shows Resilience in 2020

ENR. (2020). ENR 2020 Top 400 Contractors.

Forbes. (2022). America's Largest Private Companies 2022.

Osai, O. J., Eleanya, L. U., Orukwowu, J. M., & Okene, N. V. (2009). Jethro as the patriarch of administration and management: An analysis of his works. Journal of Social Sciences, 18(3), 157-162.

Rahman, M. H. (2012). Henry Fayol and Frederick Winslow Taylor's contribution on management thought: An overview. ABC Journal of Advanced Research, 1(2), 94-103.

Reid, D. (1995). Fayol: from theory experience. Journal of management history.

Smith, J. C. (1991). Mega-project construction management--the Corps of Engineers and Bechtel Group in Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Surbhi, S. (2019). Difference Between Fayol and Taylor Theories of Management

Taneja, S., Pryor, M. G., & Toombs, L. A. (2011). Frederick W. Taylor's scientific management principles: Relevance and validity. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 16(3), 60.

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