Applying Tuckman's Group Development Model: Stages and Strategies for Team Success

             Annotated Bibliography can be defined as a brief explanation for an academic reference. This explanation explains its content and basic idea (Csun, 2022). This can be done through both (background about the author and its relationship to the reference, a brief about the content of the reference, the argumentative case of the reference by analyzing its research methodology, and evaluation of the reference through its influence and strengths).

            When applying the elements in the required research paper, we get the following:

Developmental Sequence In Small Groups, (Tuckman, 1965):

            Bruce Tuckman was among a small group of social psychologists studying the behavior of small groups in the US Navy. The head of this group is the scientist / Irwin Altman, who compiled his group's results and gave them to Tuckman for analysis, and the analysis came as such. In this paper, Tuckman created a model to describe the development of a group or work team and argued that any work team must go through four stages and add to stage five later, namely: (Forming - Storming - Norming - Performing - Adjourning). Tuckman argued that each stage builds on the stage that precedes it, and each stage can be followed by the performing stage, but skipping any stage will negatively affect performance. According to (Smith, 2005), these stages are repeated with each new challenge. The Tuckman model is considered to be the most influential model in the group development process in terms of its impact on the texts that researchers used as citations from this paper, the difference regarding the number of stages and their names, but the adoption of the general form is evident in these writings.

Application On Bechtel

            According to (Smith, 1991), the development of work groups within the Jubail Industrial City project in Saudi Arabia was carried out with the utmost rigor, as the project is one of the mega projects. The project management evaluation of the work teams was according to their performance and their ability to quickly agree among themselves; otherwise, the ineffective member would be eliminated, as the required schedule is always critical, and with a semi-open budget from the Saudi government to push the company to finish the project as soon as possible.

The Development Sequence In The Construction Sector Groups:

           According to the Professional Project Management Institute (PMI), forming a working group on projects is one of the most cumbersome and complex matters for the project manager, and the project manager must monitor the work teams according to each stage (Rogers, 2014). Forming will differ from stage Storming and beyond, and at each stage there is a specific mechanism for supervision and guidance, such as:

  • Clarify the primary purpose of group formation.
  • Compatibility of skills among group members.
  • The extent of mutual accountability of group members.
Suggested Strategies for Team Development:

           They can be developed through each stage according to the following:

Forming: at this stage, two things must be emphasized. The first is clarifying the group's goal, and the second is working on getting to know the team more closely (Mindtools, 2022). It can be done by making them exchange their profiles on social networking sites and holding virtual meetings between them.

Storming: At this stage, the project manager intervenes to resolve disagreements, build trust among team members, and help quieter people avoid being dominated by people with the loudest voices.

Norming: enhancing effective communication between team members by assigning specific tasks that bring them together and posing real problems to solve through them (Rickards & Moger, 2000).

Performing: expanding the goals, making the most of the team members' skills, and working to achieve the primary goal of assembling this team.

Adjourning: at this stage, questionnaires can be used to assess the team's experience, the progress they have made together, and the obstacles they encountered.


           Bruce Tuckman described how teams develop through specific stages: ((Forming—Storming—Norming—Performing—Adjourning). This model can be used to help the team perform better by identifying the stage that the team has reached and then using effective instructions to move them through the stages.


Csun. (2022). What is An Annotated Bibliography?

Mindtools. (2022). Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Tuckman's Model for a Team to High Performance

Rickards, T., & Moger, S. (2000). Creative leadership processes in project team development: an alternative to Tuckman's stage model. British Journal of Management, 11(4), 273-283.

Rogers, T. (2014). Is it a team? A working group? Or just a co-located collection of people? Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2014—North America, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Smith, J. C. (1991). Mega-project construction management--the Corps of Engineers and Bechtel Group in Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Smith, M. K. (2005). ‘Bruce W. Tuckman – Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing in Groups,’ the encyclopedia of informal education.

Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological bulletin, 63(6), 384.

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