Applying Maslow's and Herzberg's Motivation Theories

         According to Armstrong (2006), Motivation is the process of encouraging employees to work to achieve the desired goals, so Motivation makes employees continue their work in the best way (Lussier, 2009). I chose Bechtel Co.'s "portion for constr" actin the previous discussion as my case study. In this paper, I will discuss both Maslow's and Herzberg's and their application to this company.

Maslow's TheoryMaslow According to Acevedo (2018), Maslow divided employee needs into two parts (primary and secondary). These needs are in the form of a hierarchy: physiological needs, then the need for safety, then social needs, then esteem needs, and the top of the pyramid is self-actualization.

Herzberg's TheoHerzberg Herzberg divided employee requirements into two parts (hygiene and motivation factors), and the presence of hygiene factors prevents the development of job dissatisfaction (Gawel, 1996).

Points of Agreement and Difference:

  • The two theories agree in explaining individuals' different needs, and Herzbertheory is considered an addition to Maslow's theory (Locallux, 2021).
  • Maslow's theory deals with human needs and satisfaction (Goodman,1968), but Herzberg's theory concerns reward and appreciation.
  • According to Pardee (1990), Maslow considers the individual's satisfied needs a motivator, while Herzberg considers satisfied needs the ones that govern the individual's behavior and performance.
  • Maslow's theory applies to all employees, but Herprofessionalsies to professional people (Locallux, 2021).
  • Emphasizing a sense of pride in their individual achievements and their contributions to the collective results of the company projecompany's pride - the company said - is critical to excellent governance; this is done through the practical application of rewards, recognition programs, and promotions.
  • The company strives to promote humility, simplicity in leadership and employee relations, and a balance between following its employees' responsibilities and roles and trusting them to carry out them.
  • Work to enhance direct and personal communication with the employees to solve their problems, and the company considered that this is the most substantial incentive that can be provided to its employees.

Application on Bechtel Corporation:

        Motivational factors for employees of Bechtel Corporation can be divided into two parts:

1. Bechtel Benefits:

           As for the basic needs of employees, according to (Comparably, 2022) for the study of workplace transparency, Bechtel Corporation Benefits for employees are in the first place against its top 5 competitors in the same field through the benefits package when joining the company such as: (High salaries compared to others - Insurance category Medical and dental - compensation for injuries and deaths, etc.). According to the latest statistics of the Bechtel Corporation, 67% of employees are loyal to work according to the benefits they receive.

2. Esteem and Self-realization:

           According to (Bechtel, 2022), the company's general and vision for its employees work on the following:


       Maslow and HerHerzberg' del explain the motivation process for employees and prove that employee motivation is essential in improving employee level and job performance (Gawel, 1996). Bechtel Corporation has developed effective motivational methods for dealing with its employees, from basic needs for salaries and allowances to esteem needs and self-actualization.


Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Acevedo, A. (2018). A Personalistic Appraisal of Maslow's Needs Theory of Motivation: From "Humanistic" Psychology to "Integral" Humanism. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(4), 741–763. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database in the TUW library.

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Lussier, R. N. (2009). Management fundamentals: Concepts, applications, skills development 4th ed. Mason, Ohio: South Western, Cengage Learning.

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