Implementing Change Management Strategies

Change management strategies aim to help stakeholders understand the nature and utility of these changes (Mayfield, 2014), thus enabling their adoption of these changes in their own business environment and achieving better results for these businesses.

           In this discussion, I will present a problem with the practitioner model in my work organization and several strategies for improving practice from the practitioner's perspective.

Problem background:

           At the beginning of 2020, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US government took precautionary measures to limit the spread of the epidemic, the most important of which was the trend to study online in schools and universities (Toquero, 2021), the classrooms concerned with construction safety training for workers were among these schools that went online. Construction safety training requires wearing safety tools in person (OSHA, 1994); this led to an imbalance in the practice of safety procedures by workers in the construction sector.

Enterprise problem:

           After reducing the precautionary measures for the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020, construction companies, including the company I work for, returned to work in New York City. Still, we faced a vital problem that was discussed (Breslin et al., 2007). The workers need to be trained to use the appropriate means of safety during work, even with the guidance of the safety supervisors at the work site.

Example: One of the workers used regular safety glasses while cutting chemicals that required sealed glasses, which caused severe damage to his eyes. He was treated in the hospital that day, and as a result, he was absent from work for consecutive days, all of which were paid by the company.

Overall Vision:

           Establish an internal training program to test temporary workers before assigning construction work. The goal is to raise awareness of security and safety procedures and ensure they can work according to OSHA instructions.


First: Submitting the proposal to the CEO and the Board of Directors:

Strategy 1. Create a logical model:

          I will explain here why we must add this program to the institution, its benefits, and the damages the institution will face if we do not implement it. I have more than one example that proves this, including the injured worker in his eyes.

Reference: According to an academic study conducted by Shendell et al. (2017) on a group of construction safety trainees to determine the quality of in-person or online learning of construction safety methods, the results of those who received personal training were better than those who received it online.

Strategy 2. Resistance treatment:

          In this context, I will prepare appropriate answers to most of the concerns that will be raised by stakeholders, such as: (the time needed - who is responsible - alternative plans, if any - the work mechanism and steps), exceptionally since the employers will propose to obtain trained workers in the first place instead of establishing the program. Still, the doubt and uncertainty about the workers' access to training could be a significant reason for convincing them (John & Leonard, 2workers'ferenceUnderstanding why and how to create a safety training program for workers, I will use in this research paper for (Haskin, 2013): Implementing safety and health training: despite good intentions to comply with OSHA training requirements, franchises can have difficulties doing so.

Second: Provide a cost-benefit analysis:

          I will analyze the total cost of the program and the tools we need to implement. The benefits are protection from personal injury to untrained workers because the company will bear the costs of treatment and possibly compensation in the event of severe damage.

Reference: according to MSG. (2021), The cost-benefit analysis can be done through two critical factors, namely:

1. The Return on Investment Model (ROI) is calculated by the following equation: ROI (in percent) = Program benefits / Costs x 100.
2. Utility Analysis: Namely, the relative importance of the training program and worker injury risk, and how some companies are subject to closure due to issues related to worker injuries or deaths on the job (Fallon & Baldwin, 2016).


         Implementing strategic change requires knowledge of managing the change itself and how to present it to stakeholders, building the work teams needed for change, managing the costs required for change, and knowing the outputs of change and its impact on the business environment. Strategic change also includes improving the adaptation and alignment of the organization's strategy, environment, and organizational structure.


Breslin, F. Organization, MacEachen, E., Morrongiello, B., & Shannon, H. (2007). Workplace injury or "part of the job"?: Towards a gendered understanding of injuries and complaints among young" workers. Social" Science & Medicine, 64(4), 782-793.

DiSabato, M. (2019). 4 Steps to Implementing Your Social Change Strategy: A Case Study with SEFCU

Fallon, M. J., & Baldwin, R. S. (2016). Construction Safety Discipline: Termination or Rehabilitation?. In ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition. OnePetro.

Haskin, D. (2013). Implementing safety and health training: franchises can need help despite good intentions to comply with OSHA training requirements. Franchising Worneed helps with

Mayfield, P. (2014). Engaging with stakeholders is critical when leading change. Industrial and Commercial Training.

MSG. (2021). Cost Benefit Analysis for Training.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (1994). Personal protective equipment for general industry; final rule. 29 CFR part 1910. Federal Register, 59(66), 16334-16364.

Shendell, D. G., Milich, L. J., Apostolico, A. A., Patti, A. A., & Kelly, S. (2017). Comparing online and in-person delivery formats of the OSHA 10-hour general industry health and safety training for young workers. New solutions: a journal of environmental and occupational health policy, 27(1), 92-106.

Toquero, C. M. (2021). Emergency remote education experiment amid COVID-19 pandemic. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (15), 162-176.

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